About Us

About Us

Investing in Africa’s economic growth

As Wanamari creating value for all our stakeholders is the reason we are investing in Africa’s renaissance. Wanamari is a private equity firm. Our passion is to help individuals and institutions achieve their financial goals. Our focus is on financial services, Housing, Construction, Mining, technology, retail, media and agriculture.

Investment Philosophy

We believe in being involved in every part of our projects and portifolio companies in order for them to grow. We buy equity into firms and take major positions in it and ensure corporate governance is best practice


Our staff, investors, clients and other stakeholders comes first in all we do. Our plan is centered around the improvement of the welfare and value of our people.


We believe that if something is not growing then it is certainly dying, hence all our efforts and endeavors are geared towards growth


We take our time in building not only exceptional products but great portfolio corporates that dominates their respective industries. We have the best team that build products that goes beyond the local market.


Raised via Crowdfunding


Lent since inception


Start-Ups Helped


Funding requests met

The Team

Our Experts

Mike Rich

Lead Architect

Jenny Smith

Head Engineer (US)

George Doe

Head Engineer (CN)

Maria Jay

Head Engineer (AU)